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"Unleash Your Business Potential: Empowering Owners with Top-tier Strategies and Knowledge to Serve Clients at the "Zenith of Excellence!"

Just Give Me 5 Short Days...
And I Will Show You How to Build a Step by Step Roadmap That Will Double Your Profits In 90 Days Or Less...   

Join the 5 days Double you Profits Challenge ( For Free)

*** Plus, Get Access To A Secret Bonus Gift When You Complete the Challenge.

Just Give Me 5 Short Days... 90 Minutes A Day 

And I Will Show You How to Build a Step by Step Framework That Will Double Your Profits In 90 Days Or Less...   

Join the 5 days Double you Profits Challenge ( For Free)

*** Plus, Get Access To A Secret Bonus Gift When You Complete the Challenge.


Just Give Me 5 Short Days And I Will Show You the Exact Step by Step Method to Double Your Profits In 90 Days Or Less...   


This Challenge is For Serious Business Owners Ready To Scale And Double Their Profits in 90 Days or Less!!  

Register Today for This Free Challenge 

PLUS a FREE Bonus Day after the challenge with a TON of amazing guest speakers!!! 

What you'll take Away from the 5 Days Double your Profits Challenge
Day 1  Why 85% of businessowners are only surviving & not thriving. Why is that?  Business owners are  focusing on the wrong things.  
You'll learn why it is not working, and discover the strategies that actually works. 
Day 3 You will learn the power of a Compelling Offer without discounting.  As the go-to expert you must have an offer that is so compelling that your audience cannot say NO too, irrespective of price.  
Day 5 We are breaking down the disbelief that Increasing your prices or fees will have a negative effect of revenue and profits. You learn that it  will propel your growth and Profits...guaranteed 
Day 2  How do you establish your self as the go-to expert in your market. Strategy - How to out sell and out-perform your competition.  Focus on the strategies that  works and accelerate profits.  
Day 4 You're going to discover the impact a Drip Campaign and Joint Venture  strategy will have on your bottom line. You will learn how to implement these strategies at no cost to you.      
Day 1: How to have total clarity who you want to serve!
  We are going to kick of this amazing challenge by showing you how the most important strategy that 85% of businessowners ignore and then wonder why they are struggling.  Business owners are focusing on the wrong things and will cause you lot of stress. It will be exciting to see how this will work for your business.
Day 2: How to became an authority 
 How do you establish your self as the go-to expert in your market. You will be armed with step by step strategy,  how you can out sell and out-perform your competition. You are going to understand the strategies that works and accelerate profits.  
Day 3: How to design a Compelling offer 
You will learn the power of a Compelling Offer without discounting. As the go-to expert you must create an offer that is so compelling that your audience will have no other choice than to buy from you, irrespective of price.  Many businesses take the easy route by offering discounts, without realising that discounts KILL PROFITS!  You're going to learn how to stop this discounting madness! 
Day 4: Increase your bottom line at no cost to you.   
You're going to discover the impact a Drip Campaign and Joint Venture strategy have on your business and how it will drive profit growth. We are going to show you how to activate your existing database and build a sales force and only pay on results at no cost to you.      
Day 5: The myth about increasing your prices.. 
We are breaking down the disbelief that Increasing your prices or fees will have a negative effect of revenue and profits. The fear of loosing customers and the negative effect it will have on your bottom line if you don't.
Day 1:

Discover why 85% of businessowners are struggling generating lead consistently

  • Decide your ocean. - Are you a big fish or a small fish
  • ​Nail your Ideal Customer - Find the problem, provide the solution
  • Where do i find them - where do they hang out , example Facebook, LinkedIn.
Day 2:
How to become the Authority 
How do you create a position of Authority that will out-market, out-sell and out-perform your competition. 

You will learn a step by step framework in how to magnetize your marketing and attract your ideal audience WITHOUT a marketing budget.
Day 3:
How to design marketing message 
You are going to learn the framework of how to design a powerful compelling marketing message that your audience will respond to.

The secret of creating a short, concise message that resonates with the emotional pain points of your target customer. 

That compels them to want to know more. 
Day 4:
How To Create A Revenue-Producing Follow up Campaign. 
Learn how to create a follow up campaign that nurtures and compels the 97%+ of your future buyers who don't buy from you immediately.

Today, you need a much more advanced follow up campaign to deliver your message.
Day 5:
Write compelling marketing and advertising copy better than most copywriters today.
Learn the fundamental 8 step framework how to write compelling emails that your audience will respond to.  

How to make your customers feel that you understand them better than anyone else, and that you will serve them better than anyone else. 
Day 1: Why 85% of businessowners are only surviving & not thriving. Why is that? Business owners are focusing on the wrong things.
You'll learn why it is not working, and discover the strategies that actually works. 
Day 2 How do you establish your self as the go-to expert in your market. Strategy - How to out sell and out-perform your competition. Focus on the strategies that works and accelerate profits.   
Day 3 You will learn the power of a Compelling Offer without discounting. As the go-to expert you must have an offer that is so compelling that your audience cannot say NO too, irrespective of price.  
Day 4 You're going to discover the impact a Drip Campaign and Joint Venture strategy will have on your bottom line. You will learn how to implement these strategies at no cost to you.      
Day 5: We are breaking down the disbelief that Increasing your prices or fees will have a negative effect of revenue and profits. You learn that it will propel your growth and Profits...guaranteed 

So to the time you finish the 5 day challenge, you will have a step by step roadmap and strategies you need to implement to dramatically accelerate your growth and  profits.

  • Day 1: Why this challenge will change your life. How to get total clarity & confidence  
  • Day 2: Focussing on the wrong things at the wrong time and how to fix it. How to dominate your niche.  
  • Day 3: The Power of compounding grow and how to implement the strategies to double your profit.  
  • Day 4: How to do double your Leads and  Conversions in an uncertain economy.   
  • Day 5: How to design your message that will dominate your niche and your audience will respond to your offers. 
I am going to reveal the 5  fundamental strategies you must have  to build a 6 figure business foundation even if you don't have a marketing budget.

Challenge starts Monday, July 18th - July 22nd

Don't Just Take Our Word For It...
See What Other Have Said About Their Experience... 
Charles'  Story
Catherine's Story
Jeff's story 

Jeff Norton, Class of November 2020

So, in the middle of a pandemic, when seemingly everyone else was cutting as much expenditure as possible, we actually decided to spend money
 Anton opened our eyes to the world of professional marketing. What made the programme stand out though, was that it didn’t just tell us what we needed to do, but it also showed us how to do it. The structured approach and numerous practical examples brought the clarity we needed to create effective marketing, safe in the knowledge that Anton was on hand to provide expert critique to really hone our skills.
Since completing the masterclass at the end of 2020, our business has gone from strength to strength. In the first 5 months of 2021, we generated more income than we did in the whole of 2020, and we predict to achieve our annual target three months ahead of schedule.
The icing on the cake is that this week, we were named Digital Training Company of the Year 2021.
We are immensely grateful to Anton for the part he has played in our success, and we would recommend him and his programme to everyone.
“Before I started my own business I was the Business Development Director for a “Billion Dollar” recruitment company. If I’d have known at the time some of the things that I have learned from Anton Oliver we could have been a “2 Billion Dollar” company”
More Client Testimonials......
We thoroughly endorse Anton's expertise as an inspirational coach. 

He has the ability to explain complex processes in an informative and easily understandable way. 

His open approach to interaction with participants is refreshing. Not only does he explain what to do, but also the 'how'. 

We would encourage anybody looking for clarity and a sense of direction to join his trainings.

Brenda & Martin, The Gilbro Group LLP.
 I did Anton's Lead to Deal Challenge, I will admit I was a bit dubious before starting. Within 1 hour I had made up my mind and upgraded to VIP ticket.  I have learned so much with Anton.
He breaks every step down for you, helps you in every way he can and challenges your thinking. 

 I feel that his knowledge can take my business further. If you have an opportunity to work with Anton, jump at it because he is by far one of the best coaches I have come across!

Lisa Harper, Beyond the call
Anton is an amazing business coach.

 His exceptional ability to listen, be patient, and provide meaningful advice has helped countless people create long-term success. 

What makes Anton stand out from the rest of the business coaches is that he truly cares about the wellbeing of his clients...

 He's more than just a great coach - he's a mentor and friend to all who get the chance to work with him.

Shari McGuire, Realtor, Best selling Author

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