Headsmart Global 

Our mission is to empower business coaches to transcend traditional boundaries and unlock their true potential. 

Headsmart Global 

Our mission is to empower Business Coaches & Consultants to transcend traditional boundaries and unlock their true potential & Value. 

"The Impact Multiplier" 

Are you ready to stop the everyday grind of one to one coaching and scale your coaching business with a one to many model and multiply your impact, reach and revenue?? 

 Together, We empower business coaches with cutting-edge strategies and knowledge,." 

Business coaches... 

Are you ready to make 6 figures...

"At Headsmart Global, empower business coaches with cutting-edge strategies and knowledge, enabling them to elevate their expertise and serve business owners at the highest level.

We are committed to providing comprehensive resources and a supportive community that fosters growth, innovation, and unparalleled success in the world of business coaching."

Want to reach a wider audience, make a bigger impact, build multiple streams of income and take control of your time? 

The transition from one-to-one to one-to-many is not just about scaling your business; it’s about amplifying your impact and leaving a lasting legacy.

Even if you have no idea how to start, no framework, and NO prospects of your own

 Who is this for? 

Over 5 Days, And We’ll Show You How To Quickly

  • Business Owners: Build a Step by Step Framework That Will Double Your Profits In 90 Days Or Less...   
  • Business Coaches: Launch your Group Coaching Program and finally fire all your 1-on-1 clients...

Even if you have no idea where to start, no framework, and NO prospects of your own

WHAT'S INSIDE: Our Step-by-step Framework for unlimited wealth 

Secret #1:

How To Generate quality leads consistently 
During this 5 day challenge you will discover the 5 step lead generation process every small business owner needs to know, but 85% of don't. 

Secret #2:

 How To Double Your Profits in 90 Days or less
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Secret #3: 

How To Launch your Group Coaching Program.
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Do not take our word for it ...Here is what others Are Saying:
Anton is an amazing business coach, His exceptional ability to listen, be patient, and provide meaningful advice has helped countless people create long-term success. 

What makes Anton stand out from the rest of the business coaches is that he truly cares about the wellbeing of his clients. 

He's more than just a great coach - he's a mentor and friend to all who get the chance to work with him, 

Shari Mcquire
Why I promote and recommend Anton – 
First, I have over 30 years of business experience from Owner to small and large corporations 

Second, Anton has taken my experience and his coaching expertise into moulding me into the next Generation coach- 

I am super blessed to have Anton guide, teach and coach me to be better at my craft everyday. 

Michael La Manna
 I was frustrated and overwhelmed with my business. 

Anton truly understood.

Throughout our time working together, my confidence has grown exponentially! 

He provided the concrete steps I needed to take each day. He pointed out what I may not be seeing and ways of pivoting to bring about results.
I am truly grateful for his continued advocacy, belief, and support of me.

Tiffany  Zehara
“Before I started my own business I was the Business Development Director for a “Billion Dollar” recruitment company. If I’d have known at the time some of the strategies that I have learned from Anton Oliver and his team, we could have been a “2 Billion Dollar” company”
I did Anton's Lead to Deal Challenge, I will admit I was a bit dubious before starting. 

Within 1 hour I had made up my mind and upgraded to VIP ticket.

I lacked the right clients and was on the verge of losing some within a few months. But with Anton's guidance, we focused on boosting my profits and finding my ideal  clients.  

Fast forward one year, and I've made tremendous strides. Now, I have the focus to success.  I am also two weeks aways from releasing my first book

Anton,  is by far one of the best coaches I have come across!

Lisa Harper
What made the programme stand out though, was that Anton didn’t just tell us what we needed to do, but Anton also showed us how to do it.

Since completing the masterclass at the end of 2020, our business has gone from strength to strength. In the first 5 months of 2021, we generated more income than we did in the whole of 2020

We were named Digital Training Company of the Year 2021.

2023 -  Bespoke Digital Training Company of the Year

Just celebrated our 4th year  

Jeff Norton AI Digital Training

I was given the opportunity to attend Anton's Lead to Deal 5-Day Challenge. 

The VIP upgrade was a great choice too. The over-delivery within the VIP session each day really was the icing. 

Those 5 days created great momentum. If given the chance, I would suggest to anybody, whether new or experienced, take on board Anton's 5-day Challenge and you will come away refreshed. 

Dig deeper with the VIP addition, and you will finish the week with a smile  and renewed enthusiasm.

Hamish McLay
How to scale your Coaching business to one to many... 
Anton's Inner circle 
Technology partner 
SYCB Challenge 
 "The Impact Multiplier"

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